1. Spatial and Urban Planning,
2. Preparation of project technical and property legal documentation in accordance with the Law on planning and construction of facilities
3. engineering services for planning, supervision and management of projects for the construction and reconstruction of buildings and civil engineering structures and infrastructure lines and installations and engineering of environmental protection
4. Environmental and Social Impact studies
5. planning and supervision over infrastructure network of facilities for water supply and for the discharge of waste water construction and also planning and supervision for WTP-Drinking Water Treatment Plant and WWTP-Wastewater Treatment Plants
6. contract management under FIDIK contractual rules and procedures as well as procedures of other international banking institutions such as EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), EIB (European Investment Bank), WB (World Bank)
7. Formulation of project tasks,
8. defining formal legal and technical conditions for public procurement in the field of Public Private Partnership
9. consulting services in the field of public procurement procedures according to PRAG rules
10. legalization of facilities and utility infrastructure and assistance in registering in the real estate cadastre
11. services of legal protection and property legal consultations,
12. Mediation services and out-of-court Dispute Resolution
Our multidisciplinary team consists of licensed urban planners, graduated engineers, lawyers, economists and other certified specialists necessary for the professional development of urban planning documents, feasibility studies, plans and projects
Просторно и урбанистичко планирање
Просторно и Урбанистичко планирање обухвата израду програма и [...]
Припрема документације
Припрема пројектно техничке и имовинско правне документације сходно [...]
Preparation of documentation
Preparation of project technical and property legal documentation [...]
Услуге планирања, надзора и вођења
Инжењеринг услуге планирања, надзора и вођења пројеката изградње [...]
Engineering services for planning
Engineering services for planning, supervision and management of [...]
Студије утицаја
Студије утицаја на животну средину и друштвено окружење [...]
Планирање и надзор
Планирање и надзор над изградњом инфраструктурне мреже објеката [...]
Planning and supervision
Planning and supervision over infrastructure network of facilities [...]
Управљање уговорима
Управљање уговорима по ФИДИК уговорним правилима и процедурама [...]
Contract management
Contract management under FIDIK contractual rules and procedures [...]
Kонсултантске услуге
Применом ПРАГ или сличних правила за јавне набавке [...]